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How To Take Care Of Sensitive Teeth

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Do you feel a sharp, sudden pain or discomfort every time you eat cold, hot or sweet food? Chances are, you are one of the millions of adults suffering from hypersensitive teeth or dentin hypersensitivity.

This happens when the gum which covers the tooth, is worn out. Because of this the dentin, which surrounds the pulp cavity is exposed and stimulants like food or beverage are able to reach the roots which causes our teeth to be extra sensitive.

There are several factors that cause our teeth to be sensitive.

  • If we brush our teeth too hard and too fast, we will cause damage to our teeth and gums. We should also choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and a toothpaste that’s gentle to the teeth and gums.
  • Eating a lot of acidic food can damage the enamel.
  • Bad habits like teeth grinding or nail biting can greatly damage our teeth.
  • Flossing and brushing your teeth regularly can greatly reduce your risk of experiencing dentin hypersensitivity.

If you feel like you’re one of the many who have sensitive teeth, the best thing for you to do is to discuss this with your dental care provider. You might also want to change your toothbrush to one with softer bristles. It will also be a good idea to ask your dentist if your toothpaste and mouthwash is gentle enough for you.

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