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840 Newport Center Dr #100, Newport Beach, CA 92660

What You Need To Know About Dental X-Rays

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X-rays are important
We believe that dental x-rays are very important to our patients’ dental health. We want to you to know why.  X-rays are more than an office standard procedure. Through this we are able to see what is going on in your mouth. This is how we gauge your dental condition. Without this, we won’t be able to give an accurate diagnosis. If this is not for our patients’ best interest, we will not ask you to go through this.

Facts you need to know about x-rays

  • With the help of new technology, a new x-ray equipment is available where it reduces the scatter of photons
  • A lot less exposure time is needed for fast film
  • Lead aprons are proven to be effective in protecting your body from radiation.
  • The equipment’s timers are well-maintained ensuring it stays precise

We depend on x-rays every day. It enables us to see well inside your mouth. If they weren’t invented, dentistry would be done differently.

As patients, protect yourselves.
If you need an x-ray, let us know. But let us also know why.  If you need to show it to your physician or you need it for other medical purposes, we’ll send it over.

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