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Common Questions About Invisalign Braces and Orthodontic Insurance

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How much would it cost to get invisalign braces?

As with any other dental treatment, the cost varies depending on the difficulty of your case. The longer you stay on the dental chair, the more it will cost. But expect invisalign braces to be more expensive than traditional braces. Having an orthodontic insurance can be a very big help.

Does an orthodontic insurance cover invisalign braces?

Policies differ but generally, orthodontic insurance cover invisalign braces.

How do invisalign braces work?

Invisalign braces move teeth through controlled force.But unlike in traditional braces, they also control the timing of the force. The treatment plan is done in stages. Only certain teeth are allowed to move on each stage creating an efficient force delivery system.

Will jaw joint affect invisalign braces?

Some treatments like invisalign treatment can affect or worsen a problem in the jaw joint. Before you undergo invisalign treatment, ask your dentist how it will affect your problem in the jaw. And in choosing an orthodontic insurance, ask your dentist for some advice.

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